Common props

common props can be used both in client-side mode and server-side mode.

v-model: itemsSelectedfalseItem[]
(Record<string, any>[])
nullItems selected
alternatingfalsebooleanfalseSet true to color alternating (even and odd) rows.
body-expand-row-class-namefalse(item: Item, rowNumber: number) => string or string''Function that returns custom class names for a body expanding row, or a string assigning class names for every body expanding row
body-row-class-namefalse(item: Item, rowNumber: number) => string or string''Function that returns custom class names for a body row, or a string assigning class names for every body row
body-item-class-namefalse(column: string, index: rowNumber) => string or string''Function that returns custom class names for a body row item, the second parameter means the row number in current page
body-text-directionfalse'left' | 'center' | 'right''left'Text direction of body item
border-cellfalsebooleanfalseSet true to show borderof header item and body item
buttons-paginationfalsebooleanfalseBy default, you can only use prev and next buttons to navigate. But if you set the value to true, Seven visible page buttons will be generated automatically to help you navigate much easier
checkbox-column-widthfalsenumbernullWidth of checkbox column. Click hereopen in new window for more information
current-pagefalsenumber1Initial current page
empty-messagefalsestring'No Available Data'Message to display when there is no data in table
expand-column-widthfalsenumber36Width of expand column. Click hereopen in new window for more information
fixed-checkboxfalsebooleanfalseFixed checkbox column to the left side of table. Click hereopen in new window for more information
fixed-expandfalsebooleanfalseFixed expand column to the left side of table. Click hereopen in new window for more information
fixed-headerfalsebooleantrueFixed header to top of table. NOTE: Does not work in IE11
fixed-indexfalsebooleanfalseFixed index column to the left side of table. Click hereopen in new window for more information
filter-optionsfalseFilterOption[]nullClick hereopen in new window for more information
(Header: {
    text: string,
    value: string,
    sortable?: boolean,
    width?: number,
    fixed?: boolean,})
[]Table header items
hide-footerfalsebooleanfalseSet true to hide native footer of vue3-easy-data-table.
hide-rows-per-pagefalsebooleanfalseSet to true to hide rows per page
header-class-namefalsestring''String assigning class names for table header
header-item-class-namefalse(item: Header, columnNumber: number) => string or string''Function that returns custom class names for a header item, or a string assigning class names for every header item
header-text-directionfalse'left' | 'center' | 'right''left'Text direction of header item
index-column-widthfalsenumber60Width of index column. Click hereopen in new window for more information
(Item: Record<string, any>)
[]Table body items
loadingfalsebooleanfalseIf true and no items are provided, then a loading animation and will be shown
must-sortfalsebooleanfalseIf true then one can not disable sorting, it will always switch between ascending and descending
no-hoverfalsebooleanfalseSet to true to forbidden change color when hovering table row
rows-of-page-separator-messagefalsestring'of'Rows of page separator message. e.g. 1-5 of 5
rows-itemsfalsenumber[][25, 50, 100]A number array of rows-per-page, working as the options of rows per page selector
rows-per-pagefalsenumber25Rows of items to display in per page
rows-per-page-messagefalsestring'rows per page:'Rows per page message
show-indexfalsebooleanfalseSet true to show index of item
show-index-symbolfalsestring'#'Text of index column header when show-index is true
table-class-namefalsestring''String assigning class names for table
table-heightfalsenumber | nullnullHeight of table (table header and table body, without footer)
table-min-heightfalsenumber180Min height of table (table header and table body, without footer)
theme-colorfalsestring'#42b883'Fill color of checkbox, background color of active option of rows selector, loading color and background color of active button of buttons pagination